Hows this one for the poppers and Bboys, rare jewelry, MICRONAWTS, Not much known about this records background, but SYNTH ELECTRO all the way. Its another one fo those songs, hyping up the then SMURF Dance which was popular back when; well the Smurfs first came out, so that's 1981, and a dance attached to that lasted a few years as a fad dance much like everything else. The SMURF Craze and the dance itself went on to spawn several other titles of songs that clutched onto the fad, including SPYDER D's "Smerphies dance" (also in 82) and "The Smurfs "Smurf For What Its Worth" On Celluloid Records, and then there was that novelty corny one, PAPPA SMERF Song. It features the chipmunk style voices similar to Smurf vocals on it. A little back ground info about this and other releases having to do with the Popular Smurf craze is this: The whole Smurph craze was started by TYRONE BRUNSON, Who after playing in a few funk bands in D.C. Released "The Smurph" An Electro-Funk Instrumental Track with a dope Bass Line, that B-boys and More-so Poppers gravitated too it immediately. It reached #54 on the UK Charts. Anyway this was one of the serious of the serious joints at the NY Club party's. LETZMURPH ACROSSDASURF!! On Tuff city Records 1982
Facts: The reason for the misspelling of the word "SMURPH" in the various titles of songs, Is because once Tyrone Brunson released that fist song titled "The Smurph", the makers of the actual Smurph Cartoon, saw this and weren't too happy. And a complaint was made. In order to avoid lawsuits everyone began to releasing songs with off-spelled versions of the name "ZMURPH"" "SMERF" SMIRF" and the alike.
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